Bladder & Bowel Prep for Pelvic Radiation Therapy

Why is preparation important?

Your radiation therapy is designed by a Radiation Oncologist and Radiation Therapist to deliver a prescribed dose of radiation to your cancer site, while limiting the amount your bladder and bowels receive. This reduces the risk of short and long-term treatment side effects.

By following the bladder & bowel preparation advice outlined below, you will help reproduce the planned position of the anatomy in your treatment area. This improves treatment accuracy and likelihood of achieving optimal results.

Bladder preparation

In the week leading up to your CAT Scan (CT planning appointment) until the end of treatment drink plenty of water regularly throughout the day (about 2 litres a day) to remain hydrated.

NOTE: If you are currently taking any heart medications or have been asked to limit your fluid intake, do not commence drinking more fluids until you have discussed this with your Radiation Oncologist.

Bowel preparation

To minimise the amount of gas and maintain regular bowel motions prior to your CT planning appointment and throughout treatment please follow these steps:

  • Eat small regular meals, avoid skipping meals

  • Eat slowly and chew with mouth closed

  • Sip drinks rather than gulping

  • Gentle exercise 30mins daily

    Please follow any instructions given to you by the Radiation Oncologist, Dietician or Nurse. For example, you may have been asked to change your diet or take bowel opening medicine.

Female Pelvic Anatomy

Male Pelvic Anatomy

On your CT planning day

When you arrive for your CT planning appointment:

  • A Radiation Therapist will explain the planning procedure and instruct you to empty your bladder.

  • You will be given a water bottle and asked to drink the contents over 10 mins and hold. This allows your bladder to fill, moving your small bowel out of the pelvis.

  • Please do not empty your bladder during this time. If at any point you feel the need to go to the toilet, please notify a staff member.

When you have the CT Scan:

  • If the CT shows your bladder is not full enough you may be asked to hold for longer or drink more water.

  • The CT scan can be repeated on the same day or on another. Please do not be concerned if this occurs.

  • If you cannot fill your bladder as described, the radiation dose to your bowels and can be limited in other ways.

When you return for radiation treatment:

  • Please use the water bottle provided at your CT planning session to fill your bladder before each treatment. If you lose your water bottle, please notify a Radiation Therapist.

  • The instructions for filling your bladder will be located on the water bottle label. (Remember, these instructions are specifically for you only).

If you have any questions about these or any other care instructions please contact us prior to your appointment.

Oncology Nursing care advice: (07) 3176 1967
Radiation Oncology Reception: (07) 3176 6586