Bladder & Bowel Preparation for Prostate
Radiation Therapy

Only follow this advice if instructed by your radiation treatment team

For your treatment, the Radiation Oncologist has asked that you have a partly filled bladder and an empty rectum. As shown in the male anatomy illustration, the bladder, rectum, small and large bowel are located near your treatment area.

Your radiation treatment will be designed by your Radiation Oncologist and Radiation Therapist. One aim is to limit the dose to your bladder and bowels. This minimises the short and long-term side effects you may encounter from your treatment. The accuracy of your treatment is improved by following the bladder and bowel preparation advice.

Bladder & bowel preparation overview

In the week leading up to your planning appointment until the end of your treatment, drink plenty of water regularly throughout the day to remain hydrated, about 2 litres a day.

NOTE: If you are currently taking any heart medications or have been asked to limit your fluid intake, do not commence drinking more fluids until you have discussed this with your Radiation Oncologist.

To minimise the amount of gas and maintain regular bowel motions throughout treatment please follow these steps:

  • Eat small regular meals, avoid skipping meals

  • Eat slowly and chew with mouth closed

  • Sip drinks rather than gulping

  • Gentle exercise 30mins daily

Please follow any instructions given to you by the Radiation Oncologist or Nurse. For example, you may have been asked to take bowel opening medicine.

On your planning appointment day

On the day of your planning appointment try to empty your bladder and bowels at least 2 hours prior to attending. (Please do not drink any fluids between emptying bladder and your planning appointment time).

Your Radiation Oncologist may ask you to use an enema on the day of your planning appointment.

When you arrive for your planning appointment:

After checking in at reception a radiation therapist will meet you in the waiting area and explain the planning procedure and confirm when you last emptied your bladder and bowels. They will then take you into the CT scanning room at your scheduled appointment time. If at any point you feel the need to go to the toilet please notify a staff member.

When you have your CT planning scan:

  • The CT scan will show how full your bladder is. You may be asked to empty if it's too full or drink more water if it's not full enough.
  • If there is gas or matter in your bowels you will be asked to go to the toilet and try to empty again.
  • Your CT scan may need to be repeated if your bladder and bowel preparation is not suitable. Please do not be concerned if this occurs, as it sometimes can be difficult to achieve.

When you return for treatment

After checking in at reception a radiation therapist will meet you in the waiting area and explain the treatment procedure and confirm when you last emptied your bladder and bowels. They will then take you into the treatment room at your scheduled appointment time.

Points to remember for treatment bladder & bowel prep:

  • Please ensure you are hydrated for your treatment appointments by drinking about 2 litres per day (check first with your Radiation Oncologist if you are taking heart medication).
  • 2 hours before your treatment appointment - empty your bladder and bowels. During this time limit your fluid intake and avoid emptying your bladder again until after receiving treatment. If you are unable to do this please tell the radiation therapists or nurses.
  • If you feel the need to empty your bladder or bowels while waiting in the department for your treatment please tell the radiation therapists or nurses before going to the toilet.
  • Before you receive your radiation therapy a scan will be done on the treatment machine to confirm your bladder and bowel preparation is suitable. Sometimes it may be necessary modify your preparation and repeat the scan. This can slightly increase the time of your treatment appointment. The radiation therapists will let you know if any adjustments need to be made and the duration of your treatment session.
  • If you have any questions about these or any other care instructions please contact us prior to your appointment:

    Oncology Nursing care advice:
    (07) 3176 1967
    Radiation Oncology Reception:
    (07) 3176 6586

Last reviewed 25th October 2023